Is this digital zine going to be free?
Yes, this project will be free to all who want it. No purchase is needed!
Is there an age limit for moderators and contributors?
Yes, all mods and contributors must be at least 18 at the time of application.
Do you need prior zine experience to apply for either mod or contributor?
Past zine experience is not required and will not affect your application. We welcome first-timers as much as we do veterans.
Do you have to have experience creating for dead dove to apply?
No. We don't require you to. Although, showing us you are capable of creating darker content is encouraged but will not affect your application if you're new to it all. We all have to start somewhere.
What content is allowed?
All content is welcome with one exception: sexual content involving underage characters will not be allowed. All else is fair game.
Is aging up characters allowed?
Yes, this is allowed.
Will AUs be allowed?
Yes. We would like to see a mix of AUs and Canon content.
All other inquiries can be directed to our Retrospring.